I've never before made Shepard's pie. Ok that's sort of a lie. I attempted to make it once before, using soy ground "beef". Needless to say, it was disgusting. So rather, I've never eaten Shepard's pie. I scooped some peas from the grocery store and wasn't really sure what to do with them. THEN, a hankering for Sheppard pie hit. I have no idea why. I'm sort of trying this GAPS/Primal diet (I'll talk about it later, and I hate "diets", it's not like a typical diet that is bullshit and is aimed to make you skinny, their goals are to make you healthy) so instead of using potatoes, which are starchy, high in carbs and spike your blood sugar, I used cauliflower. Cauliflower mash! Hell yeah. I'm crafty. Sort of. Anyway, here are the ingredients:
-1 lb ground beef
-3 T spaghetti sauce
-head of cauli
-more butter
First steam your cauliflower. Saute the onions/garlic/carrots until soft. Add meat, but do not cook through, it will finish cooking in the oven. You want it to be pink. Add the spaghetti sauce, peas and worcestishire and stir to coat. Remove the cauli, you can either use a potato masher, or a food processor (or blender) as I did. Add butter and cream, I of course used raw butter and cream. Put the meat and veggies layer on the bottom, the cauli mash on top, and dot butter across. Put in the oven on 400 for about twenty minutes.
This was seriously delicious. All the butter and the little bit of spaghetti sauce in the meat gave it a really amazing flavor. A nice low carb, high protein and fat, lots of veggies type of meal. This produced a lot of leftovers. I have some for lunch today and I'm really stoked to eat it.
For lunch I also brought a caprese salad. Just your typical tomatoes, basil, mozzarella and olive oil. So simple and so good. This is a great example of how (and how easy it is) to pack your own lunch. Wam bam boom. Done.

Also, big props go out to my amazing friend and sous chef, Kait!
Yeahh...I don't know.
i like the idea of mashed cauliflower instead of potato! makes for a lighter indulgence (: i love shepherd's pie so i've done lots of variations on it, like with indian masala!