Wednesday, May 25, 2011

crossfit/artichokes/chicken and veggies/avocado salad

I really want to get into exercising more. I think I'm going to start doing CrossFit, you can read about it here if you're not familiar. Since it's in a group setting and I'll actually have to pay for it, I think it will definitely motivate me. From what I understand, a group of people go through a series of workouts. They all do the same workouts, but they are tailored to fit each person for their level. For example, if the workout we're supposed to do is squats, clearly I'll be squatting a lot less than the body builder next to me, or maybe more, depending on who I'll be working out with (though this is highly unlikely). I appreciate that it's a group setting and I'll have to get through a workout with people. Even though I know my first couple times doing this will probably be really intimidating.

As for dinner last night, I made an artichoke with hollandaise sauce!!!! All by myself!! I don't know why it seemed so daunting. Since I no longer have a steamer, I just boiled the artichoke while I cooked my other food. As for the other food, it was pretty awesome also:

-green pepper
-spaghetti sauce
-cheeses of choice (I used raw cheddar and pecorino)

Basically just sautee the veggies and chicken with garlic and cayenne, add the spaghetti sauce and let it simmer for a bit before topping it with cheese.

As for the hollandaise, I really didn't follow a recipe. I winged it, and it was awesome.
-4 T butter
-1 egg yolk
-clove of garlic
-a little fresh squeezed lemon juice

I separated the yolk and put it in a bowl. I melted the butter with a whole clove of garlic, for extra flavor. In small increments, I added the butter, stirring rapidly each time.

And for a salad of sorts:
-1 avocado
-lemon juice
-grape tomatoes

All together:

That artichoke was effing awesome. The center was sweet and went perfectly with my hollandaise sauce. Alright, I'm off to continue work. There are no windows in my office!! This genuinely makes me so sad. Hope you all have a great day!

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