Monday, August 8, 2011

weekend recap

So. My weekend was pretty sick. On Friday I went to Rosa Mexicano and forgot to photograph any food because I am a genius. I did however photograph this pasta I made on Saturday:

Brown rice penne, clams, a shit ton of butter, tomato paste, garlic and pecorino romano.

Saturday was my girl Jackie's costume birthday party. I was going to go as Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, but that didn't really pan out. Instead, Nick, Tasha, Dale and I went as a gang. I dressed as a cholo. Close enough.

And there was this.

Sunday I went to the Death Cab For Cutie show. It was pretty tight but we didn't stay for their entire set. We headed out early to grab food at Cheesecake Factory. And again, because I am just so smart I didn't take any pictures of my seared tuna salad. Today I hit up Chipotle for lunch because I have neglected grocery shopping like an MF.

Tonight I'm getting my hairs done and hopefully hitting up Trader J's if I'm not too tired from last night's lack of sleep. Haaappy Monday!

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