Friday, July 22, 2011

unrepentent documentary

I don't really have a food related post for you today. Last night was spent running around and replacing my cracked iPhone. As a side note, Apple is awesome. When I had originally called when we were already on our way there, I was told I'd need an appointment to replace the screen and it would cost $200. I was bummed. But when we got there, they fit me in and told me they wouldn't charge me for it! Apple has the best customer service in the world. After that we ran around some more and by the time we got back to Hyattsville no cooking was going to go down. So I just hit up Elevation Burger.

Today I came across a documentary, Unrepentent: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide. I had no idea that genocide has occurred in Canada, and in the sixties at that! I've been watching it in my down time at work. It truly is awful what happened to these people, and we're all so oblivious to it because it had been covered up the Canadian government and the Catholic church. If you'd like to watch it or read up on it, click this link. 

For lunch I went to Teaism.

Recycled picture. I no longer get the brown rice, I get the broccoli.

And just for good measure, and because I really have nothing else to say, here are some cute pictures of Caedus.


So sassy.

Anyway, Buckfest is tomorrow! I'll make sure to take pictures of all the amazing food. Have a great weekend!

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