Monday, March 7, 2011

My Kind of Green Monster and My Grocery List

Green monsters are pretty popular in the blogosphere. Today I made my first one. I'm not going to lie, I really do not enjoy the taste of raw spinach. I used to, well, I used to be able to tolerate it at least. No mas. Not one bit. Last night we had some raw milk that needed to be drank so we could make way for the new gallons I picked up. Instead of chugging it down (which I would happily do), I decided to make a green monster. I was actually nervous it would completely taste like spinach. But it was delicious. So delicious, that this morning when I was seriously not feeling eggs, I had this for breakfast instead:
  • one cup raw milk
  • as much spinach as you want, I probably used about half of the bag
  • cinnamon
  • two scoops of raw Warrior Whey vanilla protein (which has NINE grams of fiber, tiiight!)
I blended it in my best friend, the Vitamix until it was perfectly smooth.

What's up Bud Light glass.

I like to post my grocery list because a lot of times people are just unsure of what to shop for. So hopefully you can get some good ideas:
bread-brown rice/soaked spelt (ended up getting sprouted wheat bread, forgetting to read the ingredients, which had soy unfortunately)
garbanzo beans
canellini beans
diced maters
dandelion greens (couldn't find)
salmon x4
kombucha tea
*also ended up grabbing some shrooms, and organic cheese ravioli because it was only $1.69

I went to Yes Organic Market and spent $81.

We already have all of our eggs and dairy as well as chicken and beef products from the farm. Mike picked up a bunch of veggies last night so I don't need to buy too much stuff this week. It's mostly comprised of veggies that I'll be using to juice, which I haven't been doing enough lately. 

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