Thursday, January 20, 2011

Grass Fed Spicy Chili

I actually started out on a different blogging website, until I realized it sucked. I'm now on blogspot and so stoked! I'm just going to transfer some posts to this blog, while continuing to update.
I’ve committed to making 2011 the happiest and healthiest year of my life. I figure one of the best ways to fully commit is to take the plunge and start a blog. I fell in love with food blogs about six months ago and have been hooked ever since. I’m going to make it my goal to post once a day (though I know I’ll be more lenient on the weekends). Now, on to the food!
One of my favorite meals that constantly gets a bad rap for being unhealthy: chili! This chili is loaded with beans, vegetables and grass fed meat. The only kind of meat I consume is organic and grass fed. Grain fed meat is actually toxic. Plus, I don’t want to eat any unhappy animals that were cooped up their entire lives, as opposed to happy and free roaming. This is the chili I made tonight for dinner:
Not the best picture, but I swear it's amazing.
-Canned organic diced tomatoes
-Canned organic black beans
-2 peppers of your choice (these suckers are on the dirty dozen, definitely try to buy them organic)
-2 organic onion
-1 lb grass fed beef or bison
-old bay
-chili seasoning
-jalapenos (can omit if too spicy)
-chipotle seasoning
This is actually my boyfriend, Mike’s recipe (I am SO thankful he shares my views on health, I can’t imagine how much harder things would be if he didn’t). He doesn’t exactly measure any of the spices, just throws them in, so taste test. Combine all ingredients in a large pot and let simmer, the longer the better. It’s that easy. We actually make a ton of this and eat it throughout the week (which saves a bunch of money so we’re not buying our lunches). We usually top this with raw cheese (can be found at Whole Foods/almost any health store) and sour cream. It helps cool it off since it’s pretty spicy, which we love.
Before that, since I was running late this morning and didn’t have time, I made a green juice. Green juices can be delicious and are an awesome way to get greens in ya, especially if you’re strapped for time or don’t like salads that much. I used two gigantic collard leaves, bunch of kale, 6 carrots, two stalks of celery and some maca powder. I don’t really care about making my green juices taste good, I chug them down and just want to fix the juice quickly. It seriously makes me feel so much better and gives me energy. I try to have two a day, and I aim to eat at least 50% raw. Need those enzymes, more on that later.
Looks good, right?

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